
Objection Overruled: Mastering the Art of Anticipating Objections to Boost Your Sales

Apr 21, 2023


What is a sales objection?
A sales objection is any reason that a prospect gives you for not buying your product or service. It could be something like "I don't have time," or "I can't afford it." It's important to anticipate these objections because they are going to come up and if you're not prepared for them, they will cause problems during your pitch. Why should I anticipate them?

How many times have you heard someone say: "If only I knew what was coming next..." Well, if there were no surprises in life then this would be true! But since we know that surprises happen all the time (and often when least expected), being able to anticipate them will help us prepare ourselves so we aren't caught off guard when something unexpected happens during our presentation or pitch . If we don't address these potential problems ahead of time then our chances of closing deals drop dramatically!

Define the Objection

The first step to anticipating objections is to identify them. To do this, you'll need to understand the customer's concerns and needs. This will help you determine what they might be hesitant about buying from you.

For example, if a customer is concerned about the cost of your product or service, then they may say something like "I'm not sure if we can afford it." Or perhaps they have a need for more information before making their decision (e.g., "I'd like some time alone with my team members before making any decisions").

In order for any salesperson or business owner who wants their company's products sold successfully on an ongoing basis by using objection handling strategies in their sales process will need:

Responding to Objections

  • Building rapport with the customer.

  • Addressing their concerns.

  • Providing solutions to their needs.

Pre-empting Objections

The best way to deal with objections is by anticipating them and preparing solutions for potential problems. This means that you should have a solid understanding of your product or service, and be able to talk about it in detail. You also need to know what questions people will ask about your offering, so you can anticipate their concerns and address them before they arise.

For example: "I'm worried that this might not work for me." Your response could be something like: "That's an understandable concern! Let me tell you how many other companies have benefited from using our product."

Overcoming Objections

When you encounter a customer objection, it's important to be prepared with persuasive techniques. You can use these techniques to overcome objections and close the sale.

  • Use persuasive techniques: Persuasive techniques are used by salespeople to influence customers' buying decisions. These include addressing customer concerns with facts and data, providing additional information to support the sale, using emotional appeals (such as playing on people's fears), asking questions that lead them down a path towards making a decision they would not otherwise have made (such as "How much would you pay?")

Closing the Sale

  • Identifying the right time to close the sale:

  • It's important to identify when your customer is ready to buy. You can do this by asking questions and listening carefully, or by observing their body language. If they are hesitant or unsure, you may need to continue educating them about your product or service until they are ready for a commitment.

  • Summarizing the customer's needs and solutions:

  • Once you have identified when your customer is ready for closure, summarize what has been discussed so far in terms of identifying their needs and how those needs were met through your solution(s). This will help them mentally review everything before making any decisions about moving forward with purchasing from you at this time or not.* Confirming customer satisfaction:

Objection Handling in Different Situations

  • Handling objections in face-to-face meetings.

  • Handling objections in online meetings.

  • Handling objections on the phone.

Objection Handling Strategies

Anticipating and handling objections is a critical skill for any salesperson. It's important to understand that, while your customers may have the best intentions in the world, they still have their own interests at heart. They want to buy from you because they believe that doing so will help them reach their goals--but there are always going to be some things about your product or service that might not work for them exactly as planned.

For example: Imagine a potential client walks into your office looking for help with their marketing strategy. They tell you all about their business, including their advertising budget of $2K per month. You recommend your services, which involve creating custom landing pages that are tailored to their target audience. However, after careful consideration, you realize that your services may not be the best fit for their current needs. Instead of just saying yes and taking their money, you say no and explain why. By being honest and transparent, you build trust with the client and establish yourself as someone who truly cares about their success. This approach not only benefits the client, but it also benefits your reputation as a sales professional who puts their clients' needs first.

Objection Handling Pitfalls

There are some common pitfalls to avoid when handling objections. The first is focusing on the product instead of the customer. This happens when you get caught up in your own excitement about what you're selling and forget that your customer is there to solve a problem or meet a need.

The second pitfall is arguing with the customer. You should never try to convince someone that they should buy from you by telling them why they shouldn't buy from someone else! Instead, listen carefully for what their real objection is and address it honestly--and if possible, offer an alternative solution that might work better for them than what they were considering originally.

Finally, if at all possible don't let yourself get distracted during an objection handling conversation; if possible take notes so that later on when things have calmed down (and maybe even after closing) you can go back through everything said during this time period so as not miss anything important!


In conclusion, anticipating objections is an important part of the sales process. It allows you to be prepared for any situation and helps you close more deals. If a customer has an objection, listen to them carefully and try to understand where they're coming from. Then address their concerns with honesty and transparency so that they feel comfortable buying from you in the future.

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